Yeah, Pumpkin Soup, what did you expect me to call this entry?
Well, let's not bury the lead. I've been carving pumpkins:
(Click-for-bigger on any of these pics).
It's for a competition on Bowling For Soup's street-team site.
Now, me being me, I didn't just carve the pumpkins, I documented the whole project as well. So, this is how I did it...
Step 1: Find the pics you want to use
Yeah, if it's all the same with you, I'll skip over the "buy pumpkins" part. You know how to do that already.
So, a quick look through my not-inconsiderable assortment of BFS cuttings and CD pics, and I've found four portrait shots that should look good for a hallow'een project.
Step 2: Prep the outlines
Using CorelDraw (or Illustrator, if you like), Make a nice vector-version of the faces you want on the pumpkins.
Keep in mind, you don't want any "floating" black bits. All of the shadowed/black parts should be joined on to the outside. Obviously, floating white-bits are okay, as they're just holes cut out of the pumpkin.
Step 3: Transfer the outlines to the pumpkin
It's 2010. I'm not going to dick around with tracing paper, or drawing-by-eye. For this bit, I've used a digital laser projector, a couple of fineliners and a scalpel*
*just to lightly score the pumpkins after drawing on them, so that if the ink rubs off, I'm not totally scuppered.
So yeah, simply acquire a projector for an hour or so, shine the image onto the pumpkins, and get drawing.
Step 4: Carve the pumpkins
Okay, I didn't really document this bit that thoroughly, but it's pretty straightforward pumpkin carving (I'd imagine).
When you're done, they'll look like this:
Step 5: Pat self on back
Yeah, I did. What of it? This is the first time I've ever carved pumpkins, so I think they came out pretty well.
Mind you, given how disgusting it is to put your hand into the wet, slimy, cold innards of a pumpkin and pull out the insides, it's probably going to be the last time I carve one, too.
Happy Hallow'een!
• ^^^ That's dry, British humour, and most likely sarcasm or facetiousness.
• This is a personal blog. The views and opinions expressed here represent my own thoughts (at the time of writing) and not those of the people, institutions or organizations that I may or may not be related with unless stated explicitly.
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