A further ten packs added to the collection and we've gone from 36% to 55%. The potential 50 stickers yielded 40 for the album with 10 swaps, and has made for the completion of pages three and thirty-nine (although we now have a further 6 pages which are 1 sticker away from being finished).
As you can see, we've now crept slightly ahead of the prediction-model's forecast (the red-dotted-line in the chart), which calculated an average of 50% by the time it'd reached 28 packs. Will the actual and predicted figures continue to separate, or is this just a momentary anomaly? I don't know either; time will tell.
Anyway, here's today's breakdown...
Duplicates so far: 2,3,11,20,27(x2), 44,51,53,62,64,68,71,76(x2), 97,120,123,137,140,146,186.
[If you're collecting these too and you're after any of the stickers appearing in the duplicates-list, give me a shout either in the comments-box or the WoB Facebook page.
Yes, of course I'm serious.]
Today's completed pages: (Click for big)
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